among men, brotherhood

Meridian Sun Lodge

Founded on July 20, 1824, in Athens, Tennessee, Meridian Sun Lodge No. 50, Free and Accepted Masons, is one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the state. It continues to be a healthy place for men to grow into their best selves.

Are you currently a Mason?

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, usually serving a meal at 6:00 p.m. and beginning the stated communication at 7:00 p.m. Find us in downtown Athens, TN, at 105 N Jackson St. Visiting Brethren are always joyfully welcomed—bring your dues card!

1. What is Masonry?

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (aged 18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion, who believe in a Supreme Being. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity. Freemasonry, often simplified to “Masonry,” enhances and strengthens the character of the individual man by providing opportunities for fellowship, philanthropy, education, and leadership based on the three ancient Masonic tenets: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. Another version of the Fraternity defines Masonry as “A continuous advance toward the Light.”

2. How do I join?

To join Meridian Sun Lodge, a man must petition of his own free will and accord. This means that the Brethren will not recruit anyone. Come and visit us before our monthly meeting and get to know us over dinner. The basic requirements are that you be a man at least 18 years of age, have a belief in a Supreme Being and in the immortality of the soul, be capable of reading and writing, be of good moral character. Your petition requires recommendation by two Master Mason members of Meridian Sun Lodge, in addition to two references who may or may not be Masons. There is also a criminal background check along the process.

3. I’ve petitioned. Now what?

Once you submit a petition to the Lodge, the Lodge will officially receive it at its next meeting, assigning a small committee to get to know you better. Once they have reported to the Lodge, it will ballot on your admission as an Entered Apprentice, the first of the three ancient Degrees of Freemasonry.

4. What are degrees?

Meridian Sun Lodge confers three of what are called “Degrees,” which copy the Medieval craft guilds in their names: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. Each Degree has a bit of instruction that needs to be learned before proceeding to the next Degree. Once you are a Master Mason, you can vote in Lodge matters and can visit Lodges all around the world.

Send us a note

Whether you are interested in petitioning the Lodge, visiting it, learning about it, or getting to know the Brothers, use this form. In any case, follow us on Facebook!

when downtown, look up!

Sit Lux et Lux fuit.